A Gifted Young Painter

Om Prakash seems to have suddenly blossomed out into a style that marks him a painter of considerable talent and power. It is, in fact a matter for congratulation that this young artist now 29 years old, should present so outstandingly good an exhibition. The most striking element in these pictures is that Mr. Sharma escapes the present-day tendencies of many a modern painters to paint with the intellect only. His landscapes, especially those of kashmir, are deeply felt canvases, in which there is not only a lovely use of space but also an overall moodthat is most attractive.

His marshalling of space is excellent, in several of his tree-scapes the mist and snow of the area dominates the picture and gaunt, bare branches of the trees emerge from the old mist. Such is Trees a lovely work by any standard, almost abstract and yet evocative of a lyrical reality.

Late – Dr Charles Fabri, The Statesman, New Delhi, 22 October 1961

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